Tuesday, May 31, 2011

International Conference on Mixed Species Bird Flocks and Forest Conservation

The phenomenon of Mixed Species Bird Flocks (MSBF), in forest systems has been well documented and studied in various parts of the world. These studies have resulted in unraveling the adaptive benefits of MSBF and understanding their composition, dynamics and foraging ecology.  MSBF are visible, audible and therefore have potential to be key indicator for forest quality. Yet there are many more areas to explore, especially their role in forest ecosystem and community ecology, and how they should be incorporated into conservation and management plans.  As the year 2011 is declared by the United Nations as “the year of forests”, it is most appropriate to bring together scientists throughout the world to one platform in order to plan the future of this exciting field. 

The Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka (FOGSL) organizes the international conference on “Mixed species bird flocks and forest conservation” from 5th to 10th August 2011. Conference will be held in Ratnapura, Sri Lanka.

The objectives of this important conference are:
  • To document the present knowledge on MSBF
  • To establish a MSBF study group
  • To develop a programme and strategy for the future
  • To highlight the importance and significance of MSBF in forest conservation and the 2020 Biodiversity targets.

For more information click here.

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